that may occur in the event of fire in any building, factory, warehouse, shopping center, or business center hotels and not to endanger the safety of life and property in the siren warning system with early intervention, the damage or harm minumum to download the result of our company in accordance with the regulations made with the possibility of the discovery of the fire zones (heat, optical, ionization, thermal, natural gas,carbon monoxide) detectors are placed and the varieties of fire alarm with the button that is used for the siren and warning systems are installed to support the system with security.

lighted exit signs
lighted exit signs are designed to guide personnel to prevent cutting of electricity olusucak panic. emergency exit and routing system in the shortest time with the most reliable it is possible to get away from the area.
among the places in the regulations that should have mandatory first aid locations emergency lighting and equipment, indoor parking garages, dorm houses, hospitals, chemical laboratories and other similar places.

conventional fire alarm systems
out of the fire zone information at the facility where the board is located just people who can give sound and light which can stimulate the electronic form system and conventional fire detection and alarm system.
simply work the system detection fire detection and alarm panel alarm panel which is connected with the information lines after sending a sensing element, fire detection and alarm lines the alarm panel and activate the fire alarm sirens that are connected with the information on the front panel (which is where the region is) takes place demonstrates that.

analogue addressable fire alarm systems
large and medium scale projects with intelligent analogue addressable fire detection and alarm systems used in intelligent buildings, as it can report the spot where the fire was. optical smoke detectors, beam type smoke detectors, heat and multi-sensor photo detectors can detect a fire quickly and effectively. addressable detectors detect natural gas and lpg gas leak that occurred at the scene of a possible danger and can pass in front of. also in the scene with the fire alarm system can trigger fire alarm button contacts manually.
weather resistant models are also available, siren, flasher and electronic sounder strobes, sirens, people in the building in the event of fire and is able to warn audibly and visually. intelligent analogue addressable fire alarm panel fire automation that is executed under the control of the safe evacuation of persons in the building, putting out fires, etc. the process can be performed. supervisor graphical monitoring and control software with intelligent analogue addressable fire detection and alarm systems-can be managed without distance constraint.